1 in 3 Canadian Farmers Struggle with Mental Health ¹

This website is to serve as a mental health resource database. The information has been curated for farmers, anyone in the agricultural industry and residents of rural Ontario. Click here to view our mental health resources page.

This video highlights voices from farmers in our community discussing their journeys with mental health, what mental health means to them and strategies they use to maintain their mental health.

Farmer Wellness Initiative

“Through the Farmer Wellness Initiative, farmers across Ontario and members of their household will have access to up to four free counselling sessions with a mental health professional. The mental health professionals have received training to understand the unique needs of Ontario farmers. Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in English and French, farmers can call 1-866-267-6255 to speak to a counsellor. This service is provided by LifeWorks.” https://ontario.cmha.ca/farming-mental-health/farmer-wellness-initiative/


“These results are concerning and represent a major risk to the Canadian agricultural sector as poor mental health and well-being has negative implications for the individual farmer, as well as their families, livestock, production, and financial bottom lines.” ¹

In a more in-depth video, local farmers and community members share their experiences with mental health in the agricultural community, what mental health means to them, discuss methods of managing stress and other mental health tools that have been helpful for them.

Mental Health Resources

We have sourced and researched a variety of mental health resources. Check out the link below.

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Community Partners

The Farmers’ Toolbox has various community partners that are running important programs both locally and nationally. Find out more about their work below.

“Farming is rewarding but it’s also hard, brutal work that provides little relief year after year. It’s certainly not an occupation that offers a lot of control and when you have anxiety, control is something you seek out, like all the time!”

— Courtney Denard ²


¹  SourceNational Survey of Farmer Mental Health, Submission to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food: Strengthening Canada’s Agricultural Sector – A Canadian Network for Farmer Mental Health by Dr. Andria Jones-Bitton, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph (2016)  https://ontario.cmha.ca/farmersmentalhealth/

² https://www.ontariofarmer.com/opinion/comments/denard-its-time-for-a-mental-health-check-in